My favourite cartoon character. Bila tengok Spongebob, I'm wondering about my previous posts. Aku ni serius sangat ke ye? Kalau baca testimonial kwn2 kat friendster, semua cakap aku ni nampak garang and serius. Maybe kot..agaknya sebab dulu kena paksa ambik literature adn then kena analyse isu-isu dlm tu that I'm beginning to see life mcm literary works yg aku baca dulu tu jugak la kot. Semua ada hidden meaning and those meanings would be something related to life.
Kalau jadik macam spongebob ni kan bagus. Kena marah pun boleh gelak-gelak lagi. Tak pernah kecik ati dengan kawan-kawan dia walaupun kena kutuk sebab jadik span yang kaler kuning dengan seluar pendek and kerja flipping burger je. Best ke jadik spongebob yek? Hehe...Well aku ni memang suka tengok kartun dari zaman kecik2 dulu sampai la dah umur 28 ni. Takde rancangan lain kat astro, bantai tengok kartun channel 60,61 n 62. Teringat lak masa kecik2 dulu berlari balik rumah dr sekolah sebab nak tengok Toriton. Kalau korang lahir dlm tahun 70s mesti ingat cerita ni. Pas tu ada kartun Moby Dick, sampai aku umur 17 tahun pun ingat Moby dick tu watak kartun mcm yg aku tengok masa umur 6 tahun dulu. Tertipu rupanya..hehe...general knowledge tak bagus la time tu.
1 comment:
Dear 9lives,
I'm a friend of FH2O. Welcome to blogging! I look forward to reading your posts.
I have a tip for stopping jerks like "adrian creffield" who posted a comment that is really an advertisement for his stupid business.
Go to your conrol panel in blogger. click on "settings", then click on "comments". Go down to where it says "show word verification for comments?" and click "yes".
That will stop a lot of unwanted ads, as a person will have to type in the verification manually and not rely on an automated program to spam your blog.
Also, if you get any comment you don't like (including mine, but I hope not!) you can click that trash can and get rid of it. You have the power! It's your blog.
I hope this helps.
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