Monday, June 12, 2006
How would you be remembered?
The song sort of representing his journey in life. Searching for a golden heart, he went all over the world only to discover that what he has been searching all his life is actually at his own country and his hometown.
Hati Emas (M. Nasir)
Berjalan di tanah gersangMentari mencekam dadaDebu-debu di jalananMenjadi teman setia
Tiada lain tujuankuHati emas yang ku cariKisahnya di hujung duniaMengapa tak ku temui
Oh terdengar suara halusBagai dengar dan menghilangKatanya pulanglah oh anakkuIa tiada di sini
KembaraPuas sudah ku mengembaraKe mana perginya oh cahayaMencari hati emas bukannya mudahDi masa kini adakah kau peduli
Mungkinkah dikau milikiHati emas murni suciInginku menjadi sahabatmuHingga akhir hayat nanti
KembaraPuas sudah ku mengembaraKe mana perginya oh cahayaMencari hati emas bukannya mudahMungkin selamanya takkan aku temui
Those who know my boss will always remember his kindness and friendliness towards others. And sometimes I would wonder, how will people remember me? Now, I'm still searching for the Golden Heart and don't know when I'll have it...
Saturday, March 18, 2006

This is the view of the river from my office. I get to see whether it's low tide or high tide by looking at the yellow house across the river. It has been quite a while since I kayak at the river. If people are wondering where my team and I practise for our competition, then this is the answer. Before I got involved in kayaking, I would just look at this view without much thought and forget about what I saw. But now, I would look at the river appreciating its beauty and somehow feeling the river itself. I find it a good therapy for me especially when I'm feeling down or whenever I'm angry about something. My kayak training would always help me flush those feelings out of my systems.
Kayaking has given me a whole new experience that I could share with my friends and I'm thankful that I get to meet a lot of interesting people and widen my social circle.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Sun Tzu's Art of War

The first time I ever heard of Sun Tzu's was in my basic mandarin class. The lao shi actually was trying to motivate us to be disciplined in learning the language and not to give up even when we think it's difficult to learn and for the fact that knowing adult learners, we might even make up excuses like, too busy to go to class. Anyway, the reason why I suddenly remembered the SunTzu's art of war was because of something I actually said to my boss and the way I said it (or the words) which, by our standard (the office) actually is an act of defying and refusing to assume responsibility.
The art of war mentioned, "All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him." (Sun Tzu's Art of War)
Hence, due to my impatience and haste, I totally ignored the rules and just blurt out what I actually had in my mind without even considering the consequences. The disadvantage having a "closed" minded person as a boss or even what I consider "typical" bosses is, if they say "Do this." I should just do it, no question ask.
Well, being me in this situation doesn't help tho, because I have a lot of activities planned ahead and it wouldn't do me good to start a "war" with my immediate boss/bosses. I apologise? Well, have to fake an expression first before I can do that..:P
Saturday, November 19, 2005

I got involved in kayaking 3 days before puasa in 2003. I was bored and a very long holiday was coming and I decided to find something for me to do during the holidays. I actually called up Kementerian Belia dan Sukan in Kuching, asking them whether they have any camping or kayaking activity. Well, like they said, the rest is history. Now, I've been involved inthis for 2 years now. I love outdoor activities and although I can't swim (which is a weird thing for some), I am never afraid of being in the water. There's always the life jacket to save me. I was even involved in the kayaking competition in Putrajaya last year and being a 27 year old who just had less than a year's training, believe me, it is not easy. It was fun though because in Putrajaya we get to experience using the kayak they use in the Olympics and although I was not competing in an international game (or never would be), I felt proud of myself because at that age where people say already "old" I was still able to do it.
Last year I actually introduced this interesting sport to my students because I want them to enjoy kayaking as much as I am. They are already used to the usual sports like football, badmminton and such, and I find this is a really unique sport for them to try out. Interestingly, most of the students who haev never been seen playing volleyball, badminton or any other sports were really interested in kayaking and they can actually be trained to compete. Talking about discovering the potential in oneself. I would say, if I ever leave the college where I am teaching now, I have already made my mark and this kayak legacy would always be mine. I have a passion for this and I would really love to see it growing in Kuching and in Sarawak. We have the river, but we don't have the facilities. But next year, I am planning for something bigger. Hope I will achieve before the next Sarawak Regatta.
Friday, October 21, 2005

My favourite cartoon character. Bila tengok Spongebob, I'm wondering about my previous posts. Aku ni serius sangat ke ye? Kalau baca testimonial kwn2 kat friendster, semua cakap aku ni nampak garang and serius. Maybe kot..agaknya sebab dulu kena paksa ambik literature adn then kena analyse isu-isu dlm tu that I'm beginning to see life mcm literary works yg aku baca dulu tu jugak la kot. Semua ada hidden meaning and those meanings would be something related to life.
Kalau jadik macam spongebob ni kan bagus. Kena marah pun boleh gelak-gelak lagi. Tak pernah kecik ati dengan kawan-kawan dia walaupun kena kutuk sebab jadik span yang kaler kuning dengan seluar pendek and kerja flipping burger je. Best ke jadik spongebob yek? Hehe...Well aku ni memang suka tengok kartun dari zaman kecik2 dulu sampai la dah umur 28 ni. Takde rancangan lain kat astro, bantai tengok kartun channel 60,61 n 62. Teringat lak masa kecik2 dulu berlari balik rumah dr sekolah sebab nak tengok Toriton. Kalau korang lahir dlm tahun 70s mesti ingat cerita ni. Pas tu ada kartun Moby Dick, sampai aku umur 17 tahun pun ingat Moby dick tu watak kartun mcm yg aku tengok masa umur 6 tahun dulu. Tertipu rupanya..hehe...general knowledge tak bagus la time tu.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
What if....
What if...?
"Yuan2" can be used in instances like, why did we go to certain places to study and we meet certain group of people there? That is "Yuan2". And for example, I'm from Sarawak and has been living in Sarawak for 17 years before I further my studies in KL and I met someone from my hometown in KL instead of in Kuching, although I've stayed there for 17 years. That is "Yuan2". I met my first boyfriend sometime ago and broke up with him though we've professed our love for each other almost everyday, that is also "Yuan2". "Takde jodoh" you might say. But what about that we like certain group of people and not a group of others? And we decide to settle in one place and not the other, marry someone we might know for only a few weeks and not the one we have known for the rest of our lives. Those can be explain with that one word "Yuan2". Jus like when I chose to start my blog today and not a few weeks ago, perhaps it is also "Yuan2?"...:)
It kinda reminded me of Robert Frost's poem titled "The Road Not Taken". Although Frost might not know that word then, but the description he made about choosing what we do today and perhaps some of us are still wondering what would happen if they have chosen differently.
Well just expressing what I have been thinking all night. So today I ponder upon this " Whaen you look back on your life wondering why you chose not to cross the bridge, will you also wonder what would happen if you did?"